In order to support our client’s superlative developments and properties, AscendiaSurrico have created systems, structures, procedures and processes to ensure a strong and knowledgeable team will be developed and that specific scope of works can be effectively managed. The management team will be responsible for the delivery of services to the Owner, Retails Users, Guests and Visitors.
AscendiaSurrico will ensure that these roles/responsibilities will be scheduled for delivery in line with the staging programme and generally this is documented and normally included within each contract, as part of the Project Execution Plan.
AscendiaSurrico approach provides a single point of responsibility to clients allowing for focus on their core business. This model allows us to continuously optimise the entire scope of services through pooled resources, procurement centralisation, functional and versatile teams and capacity for synergies between tasks. AscendiaSurrico optimisation is guaranteed by our commitment to results based on precise key performance indicators (KPIs) and service level agreements (SLAs).







AscendiaSurrico believes that everyone in the construction industry, facility management professionals are experiencing a digital revolution. AscendiaSurrico also believe that information management and modelling in a collaborative team environment, with all the design team working to the same standards as each other, using a single data to make informed decisions is absolutely imperative to the long term operation and maintenance of the community.
AscendiaSurrico believes an effective call centre can provide a single point of contact for all users of the community, to both gather information and support, order services and deal with any problems and issues that may arise.
We believe that the information Technology Platform plays a very important role; as operators use telecommunications, systems and technology to communicate effectively with each customer. AscendiaSurricobelieves that large developers using centralised call centre, combined with 24*365 operability, is of paramount importance when dealing with individual and collective needs of the community.
– alarm activation, fire and evacuation
– bomb warning, threat of explosion
– consequential mechanical and electrical failures
– lift entrapments and general accidents
– storms and high windage
– utility complete failure and periodic power outages
– loss of water (sanitation), gas or other service
AscendiaSurrico believes a number of these are in the main, procedural, but each are required must be managed correctly and aligned to the necessary process for the ser vie team to follow, and in line with emergency services and local authority mandatory directives.
AscendiaSurrico understands that the provision of facilities for the majority of them will generally impact upon planning, design and construction.